Sunday, July 16, 2006


While visiting Insel Hombroich I made friends with a dragonfly who seemed to be enjoying sitting on my finger (sorry about the grotty fingernail!) and my knee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These pics are just amazing!!
I showed them to my cousin Roos who was in awe and in her turn showed them to my aunt (who immediately said it almost looked like a pet dragonfly which gave Roos the idea to photoshop a collar on it hahaha). But I know why it felt so at home with you: you had that effect on me too!! You will be missed here, for sure by a lonely dragonfly and by me...

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it was an extraordinary thing those two had going. Helen set him free in the end, carrying him carefully outside to let him loose in the open air. Those brilliant shots she took to her left, pot luck, without being able to see the screen. And it worked!

12:37 PM  

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